I used to joke that it was "the hormones in the milk" that caused all this crazy growth, and sadly while that may be true to a degree, I know it is also the wonderful natural process of growing up. And while facial hair, pimples, stinky armpits and irrational mood-swings aren't always a walk in the park, I can say for the most part that having a pre-teen is a wonderful experience. I am more often in danger of swelling from pride than perturbed.

There are many lists floating around these days of the 20 things a mom should be sure to say to her son. Here is a bit of a different list. These are five scriptural truths I know about parenting that go into raising him up to be the excellent young man that he is with the goal of becoming the man God has for him to be...
1. I rest assured that God has a plan for his life, so I don't have to interject my will over what he is to become. (For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord... Jeremiah 29:11)
2. I am confident that his faith will sustain him because he has made the choice to follow Christ. (Raise a child up in the way he should go... Proverbs 22:6)
3. I don't have to over-schedule his days ~ I can let him play and be a child without fear that he will miss out on every little experience. (There is a time for every activity under heaven... Ecclesiastes 3:1)
4. I don't have to rescue him from his poor choices; I can be confident that allowing him to learn from natural consequences is beneficial. (...we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope... Romans 5:3-45)
5. I can expect him to do chores as part of the family team without feeling guilty for it, knowing that it is forming a life-long work ethic. (Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as unto the Lord... Colossians 3:23)
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of the Bible and the wisdom that the scriptures are saturated with. Help me, please, to always parent according to your will. Amen.
Will you pray this prayer with me today and raise your child "in the way that they should go?"
What are your favorite verses that help you parent?
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